Hi, I’m Moly and I’m glad that you’re here.

The very fact that you’re here tells me a few things:

  • You are looking for a different job that makes you happy.
  • You want to make a positive impact on the world through your work.
  • You have taken advice from others and and nothing seem to really work.
  • You do not know where and how to start to set yourself up for success.

I used to be just like you!

I know how it feels to be selling your precious time in exchange for money doing something you don’t even enjoy most of the time.

Break Your Barriers will help you get over the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from making progress towards a happy career.

The first step towards having your dream job and building the career and life that you desire, is to surround yourself with people who have done it already or those who are on the same path.

“You are the average of the five people you spend time with”

— Jim Rohn

The mission of break your barriers is to:

  • Change the world by helping more people like you find their dream job and do meaningful work.
  • Help you to never spend your entire week hoping for the weekend to arrive again.
  • Help you love your work every single day and wake up impatiently to do it.
  • I will help you find out what you are passionate about and start making money from that.Yes. Because I believe, no one has to do a job they do not love. Life is too short to waste several days (not to even mention several years) doing what you do not love just because! I tried and failed many many times until I found my way to being happy doing what I do every day. I found the secret to doing work that’s meaningful to me.Now I’m ready to help you do the same for YOU.Let me tell you up front, this is not an easy journey you are choosing my dear! It takes mind shifts, hard choices and making tough decisions. It takes a lot of consistent action and I will give you all the love and support you need to do just that.

Start by reading my blog and sign up for my weekly secret letters below to learn more.down arrow

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